Dresses, Dresses, and More Dresses

     Here is where you'll find the dress for your pretty girl pups. Want something classy, punky or just plain original to show off while out and about or on a walk? Try one of our Harness Dresses on for size. Want something more casual? How about a T-Skirt then?

     To get to the different Dress pages to order hover over the Dress link on your left and select Dresses to see our non-harness dresses, Harness Dresses to see our harness dresses, or T-Skirts to see our t-shirts just for girls with a pretty skirt that are very light and perfect for Spring and Summer wear. From time to time we'll also have Holiday Dresses
available for Valentines Day, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

If you would like a specialty dress made for your pup for a special celebration or for a wedding we would love to help you with it.