About Us

I guess a lot of you must be curious about what exactly encouraged two young women to start a business selling dog clothes. Well it all started when we rescued this tiny little dirty, flea covered puppy from a box by the dumpster at my work place. This tiny little puppy turned out to be a beautiful little blond colored poodle with red ears. She was so sick for much of her puppyhood, and throughout her life, that she was unable to maintain her own body heat for quite some time so she needed a sweater...and that is where the trouble began. Nothing we bought fit her right, and when it did almost fit...it fell apart in the wash. After doing this many times over I decided that I could make clothes better than I could buy...and what was the harm in trying anyway?

That was how it started. After learning how to measure and convert the measurements into patterns the ideas just kept coming and soon our little Umay had her very own wardrobe of unique clothes. Clothes that everyone asked about whenever we were out and about.

This was how the business was born. A few people here and there wanting clothes for their pups that fit and would hold up to washings. From there things have grown to collars and jewelry for both our pups and the human mommies and even daddies that shop at our business.

Umay may no longer be with us as her life was cut short, stolen from her by her very poor start in life that caused her first owners to dump her in the trash, but she will never be forgotten and her legacy will live on. She gave us the courage to try something new and gave us a reason to try and start a business. For that she'll always be remembered...and for her forever happy smile.