
     Bows, Jewelry and Collars galore can be found here. Want something to keep your pup's hair up and out of their faces? We have bows for both the girls and the guys. Want some sparkle for your pup? Take a look at our jewelry to see what we have for both the boys and the girls. Yes the boys also, we haven't forgotten about them. Our collars are made from the softest lightweight ribbons. Perfect for that picky dog that doesn't like wearing collars or for a baby puppy.

     To get to the different Accessories pages to order hover over the Accessories link on your left and select Jewelry to see our selection beautiful jewelry, Collars to see our ribbon collars and Bows to see our stunning bows.

     Please note that our jewelry and ribbon collars are not meant for walking purposes and are intended for small dogs which should always be walked with a harness only due to their delicate throats.